Thursday, December 26, 2019

Obras de Sucesion

The Anglo Catholic Movement 1515

The Latin-American Anglican Church 1975

We inherited the Apostolic Succession from 1515 directly from Pope Leo X

[V] Eglise Catholique Traditionnelle, Succession D" Utrecht



7. Bishop  Pierre Jean Maindaarts, Archevêque d'Utrecht consecrate

Jean Van Stiphou, le 11 juillet 1745. C'est la naissance de la

lignée Vieille-catholique d'Utrecht. 


8. Bishop  Jean Van Stiphou consecrated Walter

Michel Van Nieumenhuienz, who consecrated, him 7 février 1768.


9. Bishop  Walter Michel Van Nieumenhuienz consecrate

Adrien Brockman, le 21 juin 1778.


10. Bishop  Adrien Brockman consecrated

Jean Jacques Van Rhijn, le 5 juillet 1797.


11. Bishop  Jean Jacques Van Rhijn consacre

Gilbert Cornelius De Jong, le 7 novembre 1805.


12. Bishop  Gilbert Cornelius De Jong consaccre

Willibrordus Van Os, le 24 avril 1814.


13. Bishop  Willibrordus Van Os consacre Jean Bon,

who consecrated him, April 12, 1819.


14. Bishop  Jean Bon consecrated

Jean Van Santen, le 13 novembre 1825.


15. Bishop  Jean Van Santen consecrated

Hermanus Keykamp, ​​le 17 juillet 1853.


16. Bishop Hermanus Keykamp consecrated

Gaspard Jean Rinkel, le 11 août 1873.


17. Bishop Gaspard Jean Rinkel qui consacre, le 11 mai 1892.


18. Bishop Gérard Gul, Archevêque d'Utrecht

(I attended Bishop  Van Thiel, P. Spit and J. Demmel) devoted

Arnold-Harris Mathew, April 28, 1908, at the Cathédrale Sainte Gertrude à Utrecht.


19. Bishop  Arnold-Harris Mathew, Archbishop de

l'Église Vieille Catholique Romaine d'Angleterre, qui s'est soumis à

l'Obedience Romaine 31 December 1915 consecrated

Francis E. de Landas Berghe de Rache, le 29 juin 1913.


20. Bishop  Francis E. de Landas Berghe de Rache, Prince d'Autriche,

comme Archevêque de l'Église Vieille Catholique des États-Unis d'Amérique

(+ 1920) consacre Henry-Carmel CARFORA, le 4 octobre 1916.


21. Bishop  Henry-Carmel CARFORA consacre Edwin-Wallace Hunter, le 10 fevrier 1924.


22. Bishop  Edwin-Wallace Hunter consacrated Wallace de Ortega-Maxey, le 24 mars 1929.


23. Bishop  Wallace de Ortega-Maxey joignit à l'obédience de

Bishop  Willmott-Newman, sous le titre de Mar David, Patriarche de Malaga,

Catholicos et Primat d'Hérie de l'Église Catholique Orthodoxe

d'Occident. Il consacre Hugues-Georges De Villmott-Newman, le 6 juin 1946.


24. Bishop r Hugues-Georges De Villmott-Newman consecrated

Harold-Percival Nicholson, le 27 mai 1950. 


25. Bishop  Harold-Percival Nicholson consecrated

Philip Charles Stuart Singer, April 14, 1952.


26. Bishop  Philip Charles Stuart Singer, consecrated

Charles E. Brearly, le 14 novembre 1954. 


27. Bishop  Charles E. Brearley consecrated

André Barbeau, le 14 mai 1968.


28. Bishop André Barbeau consecrated

Gilles Tremblay, le 4 juin 1989, fête du Sacré-Cœur.


29. Bishop  Gilles Tremblay consecrated

Nicolas Accrombessi SEDOTE, le 8 juin 2003.


30. Bishop  Gilles Tremblay - 


Interchange le 15 Mai 2005, Succession D" Utrecht 

et Leonardo MARIN-SAAVEDRA. (21 May 2005)





This is a medical scientific study conducted of the Archbishop Leonardo (ancient history) by: United States AncestryDNA European: 48%. DNA America: (Native American -The First Nation-) 37% and DNA African: 13%. The Most Reverend Leonardo Marin-Saavedra was born in Puerto Nare, Antioquia, Republic of Colombia (South America) on December 17, 1955 at 1.00 p.m. 


His Excellency bautizep in same city on January 8, 1956 at 9.00 a.m. (the Roman Catholic Church Parish) by the Rev Priest Carlos Arturo Duque-Ramirez (This man of God died on 22 August, 1963 in Medellin city, Antioquia, Colombia).His Excellency Leonardo was register after born in Floridablanca city, Santander, Colombia on January 28, 1956 at 2.00 p.m. In 1965 his family sent him to study in the city of Bogota, Republic Of Colombia where he lived until 1996. His beatitude is the son of Francisco Antonio Marin-Aguilar and the Mrs Zoraida Saavedra-D'Silva (Their skins were married by the Roman Catholic Rite in Colombia, South America in 1948). 



Between 1997 to 2000, his Excellency lived in Giron city, Santander, Republic of Colombia as Anglican Missionary Priest and Provincial Superior of the Anglican Missionaries Priest of Saint Lawrence and member of The Anglican Traditional Church of Colombia under the Pastoral Coordination of The Most Rev Guillermo Antonio Pacheco-Bornacelli (This man of God still living, and after 2005 his Excellency Guillermo is member of The Apostolic Catholic Brazilian Church and Primate Archbishop of the Colombian National Catholic Church) and The Very Reverend Juan Angel Caceres-Angel (This man of God died in 2001 in Cucuta city, Norte de Santander, Colombia). 


The Most Rev Leonardo Marin-Saavedra moved to United States and Canada in 2000 and in 2003 was consecrate Bishop in Huntington Beach, California, United States and Elevated Archbishop in 2005 in Montreal city, Quebec, Canada. Hi is a Canadian citizen. Father name: Francisco Antonio Marin-Aguilar. Mother Name: Zoraida Saavedra-D'Silva (immigrants people to American Continent in 1750, from Europa -(Spain, Portugal and Italy)-, Lebano, Syria, Dubai city, Saudi Arabia and Sudan (Africa). 


Appear in the list of relatives carrying the same blood (DNA) Archbishop Leonardo: Monsignor Jorge Ardila Serrano - (Auxiliary Bishop of Archbishop of Bogota and the city of Girardot, Colombia); His Excellency Archbishop Ivan Antonio Marin-Lopez (Archbishop of Popayan, Colombia); The Jesuit Priest Gonzalo Supelano-Saavedra, Monsignor Alfonso Maria Pinilla-Cote and the Diocesan Priest Indalecio Camacho-Amaya and Pedro León Camacho-Amaya.



This is a medical scientific study conducted of the Archbishop Leonardo (ancient history) by: United States AncestryDNA European 48%DNA America (Native American -The First Nation)-): 37% and DNA African 13%.





The Holy Catholic Church Anglican Rite Chambers Succession



We respect precepts, dogmas and doctrines of the Roman Catholic Church and its headquarters in Rome. However, at this time we do not have any intercommunion or union agreement. Our Church delegated our bishop in Houston, Texas, to establish dialogue, rapprochement and brotherhood, with each of the member bishops and Roman Catholic Dioceses as well as with the representatives and ecclesiastical authorities of the Vatican. The Latin American Anglican Church and the Anglo-Catholic Movement are inviting to unity, intercommunion and / or brotherhood, all the groups of Churches with Anglican, Catholic or Orthodox Christian heritage named below:



National Catholic Church of Poland, Traditional Anglican Church, Church of Anglican Catholic Tradition, Church of England, Church of Scotland, Union of Churches of Utrecht, Liberal Catholic Church, Ancient Catholic Churches of any jurisdiction, Canonical Orthodox Church, Orthodox Non-Canonical Church, Brazilian Catholic Church, Mexican Catholic National Church. Lutheran Catholic Church, Protestant Episcopal Church of the United States and its affiliates in Latin America and the Caribbean Sea, Gallican Church of France and Canada, Catholic Churches of the Anglican Rite, Methodist Catholic Church, Wesleyan Catholic Church, other groups following the Catholic tradition and delineation and that they have apostolic succession. In relation to small groups that make up some Old (ancient) Roman Catholic churches will also be admitted as long as they are true representatives of the Faith. They must First voluntarily seek union and demonstrate that they are transparent men of faith and not businessmen with interests of a commercial nature. or "people" with ambitions to the money represented in goods (movable or immovable).



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