(Deacon and Martyr)
Deacon Lawrence was born in Morocco (Africa). When he was a child, his parents immigrated to Spain and settled in the city of Huesca, possibly between the years 225 and 235 (his exact date of birth is unknown). He died a martyr, murdered on a grill by the soldiers of Emperor Valerian, in the year 258. The young deacon was cinnamon-colored, tall, athletic, generous, cultured, silent, and hard-working, and lived his entire life in simplicity, and humility but with elegance and exquisiteness. After Jesus Christ (the founder and organizer of Christianity), he was the first man of faith to "choose the poor." His personal plate of food was always shared with a needy person or an animal. He cultivated a personal and home garden in the pastures of Rome and shared the products with orphans, hungry, and widows of the former city.
Who was Saint Lawrence?
Saint Lawrence was one of the seven deacons of the Early Christian Church before it became a Religious Empire. He was responsible for the temporal administration of the diocese located in Rome. He, along with Pope Sixtus II whom he helped with the temporal things of the Christian organization, was a victim of persecution by the ruling dictator Emperor Valerian in the year 258 (This emperor represented the tyranny of the Roman Empire. This same empire killed Jesus Christ (Christ the Son of God), along with the Hebrew Sanhedrin had become a dictator and murderer of those who thought differently. The Church celebrates his feast on August 10, the day of his martyrdom.
How did St. Lawrence die as a martyr?
When the Roman authorities led by the cursed Emperor Valerian captured and killed Pope Sixtus II, along with the other six deacons, St. Lawrence was left to administer what was left. He was taken prisoner and told to collect the "treasures of the Church." Instead of handing over the gold and silver objects, he presented them to the poor (they were much of the population), who were scattered sick and hungry in the filthy streets of Inquisitorial Rome. Before going to martyrdom, St. Lawrence distributed the chalices, patens and other sacred vessels of the altar that were made of gold or silver among the poor. Angry, the genocidal emperor, through the Roman prefect, tortured Lawrence by chaining him face up on a grill and embers of wood, roasting his body on the hot grill until his nature was scorched. After the martyr had suffered the pain for a long time and when smoke was rising with a burning smell, tradition says that he made his famous comment: “I am already roasted on this side. Turn me over! so that you may eat my flesh.”
Where is St. Lawrence buried?
While ancient accounts do not agree on the exact manner and details of St. Lawrence's death, St. Lawrence has been recognized as one of the great martyrs of the Roman Church since shortly after his death. Following the Edict of Milan in 313 that legalized Christianity by another emperor, the ruler Constantine had a chapel built at the site of his martyrdom and burial, located "outside the walls" of Rome at that time. Pope Damascus (366-384) built a basilica on the site, which was added to and decorated by various Popes over the centuries. Today, the Minor Basilica of St. Lawrence Outside the Walls is a beautiful ancient church containing the remains of the Saint, the relics of St. Stephen the Protomartyr, the tombs of several popes, as well as the grill that is said to have been the instrument of his martyrdom.
Extrasensory Note of Death
When the body of Saint Lawrence expired (died), the curious, poor, friends and followers of the Christian faith who were there saw how the silhouette emerged from the body of Lawrence. They said that it was like a halo of light that slowly emerged from the charred body of the saint. The silhouette was the same as that of the living Lawrence, who slowly rose in a transparent form and was not smoke but his body itself. When he rose, they observed that his body was protected by a group of angels who placed a gray cape with radiant silver edges on him, that his new nature was introduced into a kind of circular ship, which was lost above in the firmament while the true friends cried and did not understand how the sadistic emperor had committed such a mental aberration against the saint of the poor, ragged, disheveled and trampled people of the land of pagan Rome.
Early Supernatural Experience
The Colombian child, son of
immigrant parents, named Leonardo Marín-Saavedra had his first spiritual
encounter through a long dream in 1960 (Leonardo was 5 years old). He managed
to leave his physical body and was transported by angels in a kind of quantum
ship to a place in God's heaven. There were Saint Lorenzo (Martyr) and Saint
Esteban (Protomartyr). When he arrived, he met Lorenzo, wearing a gray, crimson
cape and silver-gold shoes. Esteban wore a garnet-gold cape and gold shoes over
his clothes. For 6 hours, he was shown trillions of universes, millions of
galaxies, and thousands of trillions of planets, including billions of earths
and billions of mortal human earthlings. Upon returning to Earth and awakening
from the supernatural experience, his biological parents said he was crazy, and
the Marín-Saavedra family doctor (Hugo Rey) stated that children hallucinate
when they lose the veil of memory and the protective layer of innocence breaks.
Teenage Extra Sensory Experience
Leonardo Marín-Saavedra had his second spiritual encounter through a long dream journey in 1968 (Leonardo was 13 years old), he managed to leave his physical body again, and he was transported by archangels in a kind of quantum saucer to a place in God's heaven different from the first supernatural journey. There were Saint Lawrence (Martyr), Saint Stephen (Protomartyr), and several angels of God. Lorenzo wore a gray, crimson cape and silver-gold shoes like the first time, but he had several trays and gold chests filled with perfumed oil and oils from heavenly trees and seeds. Stephen wore a garnet-gold cape and gold shoes over his clothes like the first time and had a sword and a golden book in his hands, but their material and compounds looked like gelatin. For 9 hours they anointed him with oil and perfumed oil, they laid him down on a chair similar to an imperial throne and gave him the power of the four elementals (Air, Water, Earth, and Fire).
Leonardo thought it was a wonderful
ceremony, there were chants, voices, and sounds so fine that they were like
millions of birds singing in unison and they gave him the key to open the door
of longevity and clairvoyance so that he could advise the true disciples of God
on earth and in each land, teaching them in due time the care and knowledge
that they should learn along with tools and strategies for the future
organization in the new lands where those chosen by God will live to populate
Life experience with the two saints
During his journey across the known planet Earth, Leonardo Marín-Saavedra has experienced many encounters with the two saints who always come to Earth accompanied by angels, cherubs, seraphim, and archangels. There is an experience that we narrate today so that men and women who do not know about God can understand that the anointed and chosen have gifts, talents, and powers that can only be manifested in a person in God. Between 1997 and 1999, three priests of the Colombian Roman Catholic Church, attached to the Archdiocese of Bucaramanga (Department of Santander, Republic of Colombia), parish priests of temples administered by a Roman hierarch, wanted to kill Leonardo Marín-Saavedra, because he was evangelizing differently in that violent territory of kidnapping, death, arms trafficking, drug trafficking, administrative and political corruption.
The two youngest priests hired paramilitaries and illegal armed groups to kidnap and physically kill the Anglo-Catholic missionary. Among the kidnappers and assassins were government representatives who were surely accomplices of the corrupt and who appeared as legally constituted authorities to protect the lives of citizens. During all this time of mission, Saint Lawrence and Saint Stephen were present in the lives of the people and the parish that Leonardo organized in this red and hot zone of Colombian territory. Saint Lawrence always whispered to him when and how he should move and travel.
On three different occasions, Leonardo Marín-Saavedra managed to make himself invisible with the help of the Cloak of Saint Lawrence, and on five occasions Leonardo Marín-Saavedra's body changed shape with the help of the Cloak of Saint Stephen. The kidnappers and assassins were not successful in their attempt and never found him or saw a person other than the protagonist. The national government of Colombia and the authorities of the Department of Santander authorized members of the National Police of Bucaramanga to escort Leonardo Marín-Saavedra for several years on each of his tours and God did not allow the false priests of God to get away with it. When the authorities of the Government of the United States of North America learned that Leonardo Marín-Saavedra's life was in danger, Saint Lawrence appeared before President George W. Bush and told him that he should authorize the missionary to enter the country with a religious and legal visa, so that he could establish from North America the great mission of the Old Anglo-Catholic Movement 1515 through the Latin American Anglican Church 1975.
In a dream, Saint Stephen told Leonardo Marín-Saavedra that he should forgive all the Santander inquisitors, as well as the people who attacked his humanity and dignity, that soon the sword of God would take them from the planet of contradictions with their accomplices and they would have to pay for their sins, each abomination and face divine justice with each of their strains of death.
Other Narratives of St. Lawrence
«Saint Lawrence, seeing his bishop Sixtus being led to martyrdom, began to weep, not because he was being sent to death, but because he was going to outlive him. Then he began to say to him in a loud voice:
«Where are you going, father, without your son? Where are you hurrying to go, O holy bishop, without your deacon? You never offered the sacrifice without the minister (the Mass). So, what has displeased you about me, O father? Do you think I am unworthy? Check at least whether you have chosen a suitable minister. Do you not want him to shed blood with you to whom you have entrusted the blood of the Lord, to whom you have made a sharer in the celebration of the sacred mysteries?
Be careful that while your strength is praised, your discernment does not waver. To despise the disciple is a harm to the master. Is it necessary to remind you that great and famous men triumph more by the victorious trials of their disciples than by their own? After all, Abraham offered his son, Peter sent Stephen first. You too, O Father, show your virtue in your son; offer him whom you have educated, that you may win eternal reward in glorious company, secure in your judgment.
Then Sixtus answered him: "I do not leave you, I do not abandon you, O son; but you will have to face more difficult trials. To us, because we are old, an easier course has been assigned; to you, because you are young, a more glorious triumph over the tyrant is due. You will soon come; stop crying in three days you will follow me. Between a bishop and a Levite, it is fitting that there should be this interval. It would not have been worthy of you to triumph under the guidance of the master, as if you were seeking help. Why do you want to share my martyrdom? I leave you all my inheritance. Why do you demand my presence? The disciples who are still weak precede the master, those who are already strong and therefore no longer need teachings, must follow him to conquer without him. So also Elijah left Elisha. I entrust to you the succession of my virtue».
Jesus himself proclaims himself as the servant of all and the one who gives his life as a ransom for a multitude: “Just as the Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for a multitude (Mt. 20:18)” in that multitude we are all, the holy people of God. Many true saints of God throughout history have taken these words of Jesus to the extreme, just as Saint Lawrence did, both in service and giving his life in martyrdom or on pilgrimage in simplicity and humility, but with temperance, elegance, and exquisiteness.