Thursday, December 26, 2019

Nuevos Episcopos

We inherited the Apostolic Succession from 1515 directly from Pope Leo X

[II] Iglesia Católica Romana Antigua

(The Old Roman Catholic Church)



Tanto el Apóstol PETER como el Apóstol 

PAUL fueron martirizados y enterrados en Roma



(1). St. Peter the Apostle. 

(2). Linus, 67.


(3). Anacletus {Cletus}, 76. 

(4). Clement, 88


(5). Evaristus, 97. 

(6). Alexander I, 105.


(7). Sixtus I, 115. 

(8). Telesphorus, 125.


(9). Hygimus, 136. 

(10). Pius I, 140.


(11). Anicetus, 155. 

(12) Soter, 166.


(13). Eleutherius, 175. 

(14). Victor I, 189.


(15). Zephyrinus, 199. 

(16). Callistus 1, 217.


(17). Urban I, 222. 

(18). Pontian, 230.


(19). Anterus, 235. 

(20). Fabian, 236.


(21) Cornelius, 251. 

(22) Lucius I., 253.


(23) Stephen I, 254. 

(24) Sixtus II, 257.


(25) Dionysins, 259. 

(26) Felix I, 269.


(27) Eutychian, 275. 

(28) Caius, 283.


(29) Marcellinus, 296. 

(30) Marcellius I, 308.


(31) Eucebius, 309. 

(32) Melchiades {Miltiades}, 311.


(33) Sylvester I, 314. 

(34) Marcus, 336. 

(35) Julius I, 337.


(36) Liberius, 352 [Liberius was expelled from Rome by the Arian Emperor Constantinus. During bis absence the See of Rome was held by Felix II who resigned upon the retum of Liberius from his two year exile].


37) Damasus I, 366. 

(38) Siricius, 384.


(39) Anastasius I, 399. 

(40) Innocent I, 401.


(41) Zosimus, 411. 

(42) Boniface I, 418.


(43) Celestine I, 422. 

(44) Sixtus III, 432.


(45) Leo I, 440. 

(46) Hilary, 461.


(47) Simplicius, 468. 

(48) Felix lII, 483.


(49) Gelasius I, 492. 

(50) Anastasius II, 496.


(51) Symmachus, 498. 

(52) Hormisdus, 514.


(53) John I, 523. 

(54) Felix lV, 526.


(55) Boniface II, 530. 

(56) John II, 535.


(57) Agapitus, 535. 

(58) Sylverius, 536.


(59) Vigilus, 537. 

(60) Pelagius I, 556.


(61) John IIII, 561. 

(62) Benedict 1, 575.


(63) Pelagius II, 579. 

(64) Gregory 1, 590.


(65) Sabinianus, 604. 

(66) Boniface III, 607.


(67) Boniface IV, 608. 

(68) Deusdedit {Adeodatus I}, 615.


69) Boniface V, 619. 

(70) Honorius, 625.


(71) Severinus, 640. 

(72) John IV, 640.


(73) Theodore I, 642. 

(74) Martin I, 649.


(75) Engene I, 654. 

(76) Vitalian, 657.


77) Adeodatus II, 672. 

(78) Donus, 676.


(79) Agatho, 678. 

(80) Leo II, 682.


(81) Benedict II, 684. 

(82) John V, 685.


(83) Conon, 686. 

(84) Sergius I, 687.


(85) John VI, 701. 

(86) John VII, 705.


(87) Sisinnius, 708. 

(88) Constantine, 708.


(89) Gregory II, 715. 

(90) Gregory III, 731.


(91) Zachary, 741. 

(92) Stephen lI, 752.


(93) Paul I, 757. 

(94) Stephen III, 768.


(95) Adrian I, 772. 

(96) Leo III, 795.


(97) Stephan IV, 816. 

(98) Paschal I, 817.


(99) Engene II, 824. 

(100) Valentine, 827.


(101) Gregory IV, 827. 

(102) Sergius II, 844.


(103) Leo IV, 847. 

(104) Benedict III, 855.


(105) Nicholas I, 858;. 

(106) Adrian II, 867.


(107) John VIII, 872. 

(108) Marinus I, 882.


(109) Adrian III, 884. (

110) Stephen V, 885.


(111) Formosus, 891. 

(112) Boniface VI. 895


(113) Steven VI, 897. 

(114) Romanus, 897.


(115) Theodore lI, 897. 

(116) John IX, 898.


(117) Benedict IV, 900. 

(118) Leo V, 903.


(119) Sergius 111,904. 

(120) Anastasius III, 911.


(121) Landus, 913. 

(122) John X, 914.


(123) Leo VI, 938. 

(124) Stephen VII, 928.


(125) John XI, 931. 

(126) Leo VII, 936.


(127) Stephen VIII, 939. 

(128) Maginus II, 942.


(129) Agapitus II, 946. 

(130) John XIII, 955.


(131) Leo VII, 963. 

(132) Benedict V, 964.


(133) John XIV, 965. 

(134) Benedict VI, 973.


(135) Benedict VII, 974. 

(136) John XIV, 983.


(137) John XV, 985. 

(138) Gregory V, 996.


 (139) Sylvester II, 999. 

(140) John XVII, 1003.


(141) John XVIII, 1004. 

(142) Sergius IV, 1009.


(143) Benedict VIII, 1012. 

(144) John XIX, 1024.


(145) Benedict lX, 1032. 

(146) Sylvester III, 1045.


(241) James Coyon de Matignon, was consecrated

by Jaques-Benigne Bossuet in 1693.


(242) Dominicus Marie Varlet, Consecrated in 1719 in Paris by

Bishop de Matignon, assisted by both the Bishop of Quebec and the 

Bishop of Claremont. Varlet was named Coadjutor to the Roman Catholic Bishop of Babylon who died on 20 November 1717, and Bishop Varlet succeeded to the title.

After a period in Persia at Schamake, he was suspended from office for alleged technical irregularities, including the confirmation of 604 candidates in Holland, whom he had confirmed at the request of the Church in Amsterdam. The Dutch Church had been without a bishop for 18 years as a punishment from Rome because the Dutch Church refused to cooperate in the persecution of the

"Jansenists" in Holland. Following the election of...

(243) Comelius Van Steen oven to serve as Archbisbop of Utrecht, the

Primatial See of Holland, Varlet agreed to perform the consecration, which he did on 15 October 1724, thus making Van Steenhoven the seventh Archbishop of

Utrecht and canonical successor to Saint WllIibrord, the British missionary

who had brought the Christian faith to Holland. In this consecratiou was

born the succession of the Old Catholic Church.


(244) Johannes Van Slipinout, 1745.


(245) Gaullhenis Michaci Van Niewenhuizen, 1786.


(246) Adrian Brockman, 1778. (247) Johannes Jacobus Van Rhijin, 1797.


(248) Gilbenus de Jong, 1805. (249) Wilibrordus Van Os, 1814.


(250) Jobanfles Bon, 1819. (251) Johannes Van Santen, 1825. (252) Flermanus Heukamp, 1854.


(253) Caspanis Johannes Rinkel, 1873. (254) Gerardus Gul, 1892.


(255) Arnold Harris Mathew was consecrated on 28 April 1908 by

Archbishop Gul of Utrecht, assisted by Bishop J. J. Van Thiel of Haarlem,

Bishop N. B. P. Spit of Deventer and Bishop J. Demmel of Bonn, Germany, to serve as the first Old Catholic Bishop of Britain.


(256) Fredrick Wiloughby, 1914. (257) James Wedgewood, 1916.


(258) Irving Cooper, 1919. (259) Charles Hampton, 1931.

Hampton was Principal consecrator of...


(260) Herman A. Spruit, 1957. (261) Roberto de La Caridad Toca y Medina, 1982.


(262) Jorge Enrique Rodríguez-Villa, 1985. 

(263) Leonardo Marín-Saavedra, 2003.


Leonardo Marín-Saavedra como Monje y varón religioso, desde Estados Unidos y Canadá, aportó para la Iglesia de Jesucristo (denominación cristiana anglicana [Anglo Católica]), varias vocaciones sacerdotales y religiosas, ordenando diáconos y presbíteros para países de América Latina, Mar Caribe y mundo.

Él eligió obispos cristianos anglicanos para varios territorios geográficos. Pasa a la historia como “Varón cristiano sin miedo y lleno de entusiasmo en la FE”. De la misión pastoral de Leonardo, aparecieron varios grupos de Iglesias en cada uno de los países del continente America. En la ciudad de Montreal, Ontario, Canada, en 2005, Leonardo hizo un intercambio de Sucesión Apostólica, con los obispos: Gaston Morneau, Gilles Tremblay y Patrick Leone de la Iglesia Católica Gallicana de Canada. 

Logro sacar de la tristeza, soledad y activo la vida eclesiástica del obispo Bonifacio Grosvold de Canada, y le transmitió la sucesión apostólica. De igual manera le autorizó fundar la Iglesia Antigua Católica Romana Rito Latino en todo el planeta. También abrió varias misiones, consagró a nuevos obispos y eligió obispos para varios países sobresaliendo:

- 027. TRAMBEY Gilles -Married. -(Sub Conditione) –Canadian Citizen. In 2005. 
Montreal, Quebec, Canada. (still living);

1st (First) Bishop consecrated by IAL USA/Canada;

- 028. MORNEAU Gaston -Married. –Canadian Citizen. In 2005.
Montreal, Quebec, Canada. (still living);

2nd (Second) Bishop consecrated by IAL USA/Canada;

- 029. LEONE Patrick -Single. – Canadian Citizen- In 2005.
Montreal, Quebec, Canada. (still living);

3rd (Third) Bishop consecrated by IAL USA/Canada;

- 030. ROJAS-Gonzalez Omar -Married. –Colombian Citizen. In 2006.
London, Ontario, Canada. (still living);

4th (Fourth) Bishop consecrated by IAL US/Canada;

- 031. SEAVER Brian Xavier -Married. –USA Citizen. In 2006.
London, Ontario, Canada. (still living);

5th (Fifth) Bishop consecrated by IAL USA/Canada;

- 032. CAMACHO Ramon Antonio -Married. (Sub Conditione) –Mexican Citizen. In 2007.
Cambridge, Ontario, Canada. (still living);

6th (Sixth) Bishop consecrated by IAL USA/Canada;

- 033. PEREZ-Benitez Jorge -Married. –Mexican Citizen. In 2007.
Cambridge, Ontario, Canada. (died 2016);

7th (Seventh) Bishop consecrated by IAL USA/Canada;

- 034. PEREZ-Gonzalez Jorge -Married. –Mexican Citizen. In 2007.
Cambridge, Ontario, Canada. (still living);

8th (Eighth) Bishop consecrated by IAL USA/Canada;

- 035. PACHON-Alvarez Alonso -Married. –Colombian Citizen. In 2007.
Toronto, Ontario, Canada. (still living);

9th (Ninth) Bishop consecrated by IAL USA/Canada;

- 036. HURTUBISE Roger Alexandre -Married.  –Canadian Citizen. In 2007.
Toronto, Ontario, Canada. (still living);

10th (Tenth) Bishop consecrated by IAL USA/Canada;

- 037. ALBORNOZ-Cano Enrique Jose -Married. –Venezuelan Citizen. In 2008.
Ojeda, Zulia, Venezuela. (still living);

11th Eleventh Bishop consecrated by IAL USA/Canada;

- 038. BERTIS-Vargas Alexis Jose -Married. –Venezuelan Citizen. In 2008.
Ojeda, Zulia, Venezuela. (still living);

12th (Twelfth) Bishop consecrated by IAL USA/Canada;

- 039. SIU-Garcia Jon Jen in 2008 -Married. –Venezuelan Citizen. In 2008.
Ojeda, Zulia, Venezuela. (Still living);

13th (Thirteenth) Bishop consecrated by IAL USA/Canada;

- 040. GOMEZ-Pillco Sabino -Married. –Peruvian Citizen. In 2008.
Cusco, Peru South America. (still living);

14th (Fourteenth) Bishop consecrated by IAL USA/Canada;

- 041. HARO-Carranza Orli Mesis -Married. –Ecuatorian Citizen. In 2008.
Cusco, Peru, South America. (still living);

15th (Fifteenth) Bishop consecrated by IAL USA/Canada;

- 042. LARA-Velasco Luis Bolivar -Married. –Ecuatorian Citizen. In 2008.
Cusco, Peru, South America. (still living);

16th Sixteenth Bishop consecrated by IAL USA/Canada;

- 043. SOTRES-Cervantes German Fernando -Single. –Mexican Citizen. In 2008.
Mexico D. F., Mexico. (still living);

17th (Seventeenth) Bishop consecrated by IAL USA/Canada;

- 044. DAVILA-Alvarado Alonso -Single. –European Colombian Citizen. In 2009.
Houston, Texas, United States. (still living);

18th (Eighteenth) Bishop consecrated by IAL USA/Canada;

- 045. MUNOZ-Mujica Rodolfo Jose -Married. -Mexican Citizen-). In 2011.
Celaya, Guanajuato, Mexico. (still living);

19th (Nineteenth) Bishop consecrated by IAL USA/Canada;

- 046. SALAS-Becerra Tito Jose -Single. (Sub Conditione) –Venezuelan Citizen. In 2011.
Caracas, Venezuela, South America. (still living);

20th (Twentieth) Bishop consecrated by IAL USA/Canada;

- 047. JURADO-Farfan Jylman Red -Married. –Venezuelan Citizen. In 2012.
Caracas, Venezuela, South America. (still living);

21st Twenty-First) Bishop consecrated by IAL USA/Canada;

- 048. RIVERO Carlos Alfredo -Married. –Venezuelan Citizen. In 2012.
Caracas, Venezuela, South America. (still living);

22nd (Twenty-Second) Bishop consecrated by IAL USA/Canada;

- 049. GARCIA-Mozo Norberto -Married. –Venezuelan Citizen. In 2012.
Caracas, Venezuela, South America. (still living);

23rd (Twenty-Third) Bishop consecrated by IAL USA/Canada;

- 050. RONDON Luis Alberto -Married. –Venezuelan Citizen. In 2012.
Caracas, Venezuela, South America. (still living);

24th (Twenty-Fourth) Bishop consecrated by IAL USA/Canada;

- 051. CARDONA-Patino Alberto -Married. –Colombian Citizen. In 2014.
Humble, Texas, United States. (died 2015);

25th (Twenty-Fifth) Bishop consecrated by IAL USA/Canada;

- 052. GERONIMO-Santos Rolando -Married. –Europen Citizen. In 2014.
Brussels, Belgium, Europe. (still living);

26th (Twenty-Sixth) Bishop consecrated by IAL USA/Canada;

- 053. CAGICAL-Velayos Eduardo -Single. –Spain Citizen- In 2014.
Santander, Spain, Europe. (still living);

27th (Twenty-Seventh) Bishop consecrated by IAL USA/Canada;

- 054. LAL Mohan -Married. –India Citizen- In 2014.
London, England, UK. (still living);

28th (Twenty-Eighth) Bishop consecrated by IAL USA/Canada;

- 055. GOMEZ-Juan Carlos -Married. - Colombian and UK citizen. In 2014.
London, England, UK. - (still living);

29th (Twenty Ninth) Bishop consecrated by IAL USA/Canada;

- 056. PIEDRAHITA-Escobar Alberto -Single. – Colombian and Canadian Citizen. In 2015.
Toronto, Ontario, Canada. (still living);

30th (Thirtieth) Bishop consecrated by IAL USA/Canada;

- 057. ALBERTO-Jimenez Jose Margarito -Married. - Mexican Citizen. In 2016.
Celaya, Guanajuato, Mexico. (Still living);

31st ( Thirty-First) Bishop consecrated by IAL USA/Canada;

- 058. JINETTE-Zarate Alvaro Emerson -Married. - Colombian and US citizen. In 2017. 
Franklin Park, Illinois, United States. (Still living);

32nd (Thirty-Second) First Bishop consecrated by IAL USA/Canada;

- 059. BARRIOS-Barrios Nelson Armando -Single. - Colombian Citizen. In 2017. San Jaciinto, Bolivar Republica de Colombia, South America. (Still living).

33rd (Thirth-Third) First Bishop consecrated by IAL USA/Canada;

-060. VERNAZA-Franco John Henry -Single. - Colombian Citizen. In 2017.
San Jacinto, Bolivar, Republica de Colombia, South America. (Still living); 

34th (Thirty-Fourth) First Bishop consecrated by IAL USA/Canada;

-061. TREJO Jose -Married. - Mexican Citizen. In 2017.
PalmDale, California, United States. (Still living);

35th (Thirty-Fifth) Bishop consecrated by IAL USA/Canada...

-062. RAMIREZ Miguel Angel -Single. - Mexican Citizen. In 2017.
Mexico city, D. F., Mexico. (Still living);

36th (Thirty-Sixth) Bishop consecrated by IAL USA/Canada...

-063. GEARA Marwan -Single. - Lebanese Citizen. - In 2019.
Houston Texas, United States. (Still living);

37th (Thirty-Seventh) Bishop consecrated by IAL USA/Canada...

-064. HERNANDEZ-Gonzalez Francisco -Single. - Mexican Citizen. - In 2019.
Mexico city, D. F., Mexico. (Still living);

38th (Thirty-Eighth) Bishop consecrated by IAL USA/Canada...

-065. FERREIRA-Bessa Antonio –Married. - Brazilian Citizen - in 2019 – Fortaleza city, Ceara, Brazil. - (Still living);

39th (Thirty-Nineth) Bishop consecrated by IAL USA/Canada...

-066. ROMERO Cristian Gerardo –Single. - Argentine Citizen - in 2019 – Fortaleza city, Ceara, Brazil. - (Still living);

40th (Fortieth) Bishop consecrated by IAL USA/Canada. 

-066. GOMES Paulo Cesar. - Single. (Ratification- Brazilian Citizen - In 2019 - 

Fortaleza city, Ceara, Brazil - (Still living).

41st (Fortieth-First) Bishop consecrated by IAL USA/Canada:

-066. DE FARIA Jose Fernando. - Married. (Ratification) - Brazilian Citizen - In 2019 -

Fortaleza city, Ceara, Brazil - (Still living).

42nd (Fortieth-Second) Bishop consecrated by IAL USA/Canada:

-067. PEREIRA-Bessa Antonio Jose. – Married - Brazilian Citizen - In 2019 -

Fortaleza city, Ceara, Brazil - (Still living).

43rd (Fortieth- Third) Bishop consecrated by IAL USA/Canada:

-068. RAMOS-Martinez Fernado David. – Married - Ecuatorian Citizen - In 2019 -

Guayaquil city, Ecuador, Guayas Province, South America - (Still living).

44th (Fortieth-Fourth) Bishop consecrated by IAL USA/Canada:

-069. SANZ-Bascuñana Enrique -Married. (Ratification) - Spain Citizen - In 2020 -

Madrid city, Spain, Europe - (Still living).

45th (Fortieth-Fifth) Bishop consecrated by IAL USA/Canada:

-070. MORRA Dean -Single. (Ratification) - Canadian Citizen - In 2020 -

Toronto city, Canada, North America - (Still living).

46th (Fortieth-Sixth) Bishop consecrated by IAL USA/Canada:

-071. PACHON-Arias Luis Alberto -Single. (Ratification) - Colombian Citizen - In 2020 -

Bogota city, Cundinamarca, Colombia, South America - (Still living).

47th (Fortieth-Seventh) Bishop consecrated by IAL USA/Canada:

-072. SANCHEZ-Prieto Jorge -Single. - Mexican Citizen - In 2021 -

Mexico City, Mexico, North America - (Still living).

48th (Fortieth-Eighth) Bishop consecrated by IAL USA/Canada:

-073. VELASQUEZ-Chavez Alberto Nicolas -Single. - Peruvian Citizen - In 2021 -

Mexico City, Mexico, North America - (Still living)..

49th (Fortieth-Nineth) Bishop consecrated by IAL USA/Canada:

-074. MATOGO-Mondomo Generoso Maria -Single. - Spain and Equatorial Guinean Citizen -

In 2021 - Mexico City, Mexico, North America - (Still living).

50th (Fifty) Bishop consecrated by IAL USA/Canada:

-075. NAVA-Munoz Salvador Manuel -Single. - Mexican Citizen - In 2021 -

Mexico City, Mexico, North America - (Still living).

51st (Fifty-First) Bishop consecrated by IAL USA/Canada:

-076. PEREZ-Gonzalez Hugo Raymundo  -Single. - Mexican Citizen - In 2021 -

Mexico City, Mexico, North America - (Still living).

52nd (Fifty-Second) Bishop consecrated by IAL USA/Canada:

-076. Robert Michael Rodriguez. - Single - US Citizen - In 2021 -

Brea City, California, United States (North America) - (Still alive).

53rd (Fifty-Third) Bishop consecrated by IAL USA/Canada:

-077. William Gilbert Jones - Single. - US Citizen - In 2021 -

Brea City, California, United States  (North America) - (Still alive).

54th (Fifty-Fourth) Bishop consecrated by IAL USA/Canada:

-078. MEJIA-Vargas Vladimir  -Single. - Colombian Citizen - In 2022 -

Armenia City, Quindio, Colombia, South America - (Still living).

55th (Fifty-Fifth) Bishop consecrated by IAL USA/Canada:

-079. JARAMILLO Alcides de Jesus (Ratification).  -Single. - Colombian Citizen - In 2022 -

Medellin City, Colombia, Antioquia, Sur America America - (Still living).

56th (Fifty-Sixth) Bishop consecrated by IAL USA/Canada:

-080. REYES-Reyes Yainier  -Single. - Cuban Citizen - In 2023 -

Portoviejo City, Manabi, Ecuador, South America - (Still living).


Brother Leonardo Marin Saavedra's Brief History:



His Excellency Leonardo Marin-Saavedra was born in the municipality of Puerto Nare, Department of Antioquia, Republic of Colombia (South America) on December 17 (1955). He was baptized by the Roman Rite by the presbyter Carlos Arturo Duque-Ramirez, on January 8 (1956), in the Parish San Luis Beltrán of Puerto Nare (Antioquia), and registered by his parents civilly in the Mayor's Office of Floridablanca, Department of Santander, Republic of Colombia on August 30 (1956). He was confirmed by the Roman Rite in the city of Madrid on August 7, 1970. Legitimate son of Francisco Antonio Marín-Aguilar (Marún-Morón), and Zoraida Saavedra-Silva. Maternal Grandparents: Luis Felipe Saavedra-Rodríguez and Maria de la Cruz Silva-Rueda. Paternal Grandparents: Francisco Antonio Marin (Marún)-Morón and María Alejandrina Aguilar-Moros. His biological parents contracted holy marriage for the Roman Rite on 25 December (1948), in the Parish of the Sacred Heart of Jesus of the city of Barrancabermeja, Department of Santander, Republic of Colombia. Occupation religious ceremony priest José Arango-Uribe (SJ). They were godparents of the wedding: Juan de Dios Rueda-Silva and Sara Saavedra.Silva.



When the man of God Leonardo reached his 20th birthday, he made vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience, and gave his life to Christ by entering the Missionary Order of the Anglican Missionaries Monks of San Lawrence (1975). He was ordained Deacon on August 7 (1987), and Priest on December 8 (1988), in the city of Bogotá, the Capital of the Republic of Colombia. On July 21 (1997), in the city of Medellín, Department of Antioquia, Colombia, Bishop Juan Bautista García-Germain from Puerto Rico and Delegate for the Anglican Church in America (ACA) on its faith a 'Sub Conditional' Priestly Ordination to officially incorporate it into the Anglican Continent Movement of the Americas and support its mission for the Christian world. His Excellency was consecrated as Bishop on June 15, 2003, in Huntington Beach city, California, United States of North America. On December 17 (2004), in the city of London, England (UK), His Excellency Leonardo was nominated for Archbishop dignity by the Independent Anglican Communion of Europe. On July 21 (2005), in New York City (NY), United States, he was elevated in a private ceremony as Anglo-Catholic Primate Archbishop by the Orthodox Anglican Communion of the United States, England, and Canada.


Your marital status: Single forever (celibate). If he falls in love and God sends him a woman as his wife-mate, His Beatitude of him can break the vows of chastity and marry. The civil status of celibacy in any branch of Anglicanism is optional and is not for life. Every man or woman has the right to fully develop their own sexuality freely without consulting a perverse Sanhedrin inquisitor. Brother Leonardo Marin-Saavedra has a Degree in Philosophy, a Bachelor of Theology, a Bachelor of Arts in Spanish and Literature, a Doctor of Philosophy, a Doctor of Theology, a Doctor of Divinity, a Degree in Drama, and a Doctor of Business Administration. He has a Degree in Communications and Computer Technology. I have worked as a teacher at all levels including the university for more than 25 consecutive years. His Excellency de él is Spanish Writer and Classic Dramatist in civil life.



Nota de Consagración Episcopal: 

El hermano Leonardo Marín-Saavedra fue consagrador asistente de los siguientes cuatro obispos: La primera vez fue para la consagración de Patrick Leone de Montreal, Quebec, Canadá, en la ciudad de Montreal, que tuvo lugar el 21 de julio de 2005 en la capilla Primada de los Gallicanos. Esta primera consagración fue para la "Iglesia Católica Gallicana de Canadá y Francia" con su arzobispo Gilles Tremblay (aún vivo) sirviendo éste como consagrador principal. La segunda vez fue para la consagración de Brian Xavier Seaver, de Troy, Nueva York, EE. UU. En London, Ontario, Canadá, que tuvo lugar el 6 de mayo de 2006 en la Iglesia Católica Romana de Cristo Rey. Esta segunda consagración fue para la "Antigua Iglesia Católica Romana" con obispos de esa rama (todos fallecidos desde 2016 a 2012), como principal consagrador. La tercera vez fue para la consagración de Rodolfo José Muñoz-Mujica de Celaya, Guanajuato, México, el 23 de abril de 2011 en la Capilla Rural de Celaya a la "Iglesia Episcopal Libre de Brasil", que es el arzobispo Ricardo Lorite de Lima (aún vive) de Brasil en calidad de principal consagrador. La cuarta vez fue la consagración de Mohal Lal de India, que tuvo lugar el 8 de diciembre de 2014 en la capilla Primada de la Iglesia Ixthux en Londres, Inglaterra (Reino Unido). Esta cuarta consagración fue para "La Iglesia IxThux del Reino Unido". El Arzobispo Evangelou de Inglaterra como principal consagrador. 

Ningún obispo casado en esta Iglesia puede consagrar un nuevo obispo. Solo los obispos solteros (célibes), sin hijos biológicos están autorizados para consagrar un nuevo obispo. Jesús de Nazaret nunca se casó, es nuestra fe y verdad. Si un obispo casado preside la consagración de otro obispo, es una estafa y la consagración episcopal como tal no debe admitirse como válida porque se ve más como un negocio que como un acto de fe y amor.

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